2021 Burn Permits

For the duration of the Covid-19 emergency and shutdowns, the City will honor all approved 2020 burn permits. If a citizen needs a permit and does not have an approved 2020 permit, they can print the form from the City's website. The form should be completed, signed and mailed or dropped in the City's payment slot for processing.

If a class three permit is required, such as a brush pile larger than 6’ x 6’ x 3’ citizens should leave a message at the Fire Station and the Fire Chief will make contact to discuss the requirements and arrange to visit the site.

As in previous years open burning will be closed on July 15, 2021 and burn barrels will be closed on August 1, 2021. Burning will be re-opened on October 15 if conditions permit. These dates may be extended due to weather conditions, but all burning will be closed from August 1, 2021 thru October 15, 2021.